The world is moving faster than ever before.
Information is now available at your child’s fingertips, regardless of whether that information is actually true. Schools now are more competitive, offering international exchange programs and course-specific tracks way before college. Playtime no longer means running around with the neighbor’s kids. These days, you could probably find your child glued to the family tablet, chatting with a friend online or playing games.
Your little one’s childhood is very different from the one you experienced. And for sure, his future will be just as different. That’s why we need to make sure he’s well-equipped with a learning advantage: the IQ + EQ Advantage.
IQ is short for Intellectual Quotient, which is all about his cognitive development and skills like problem-solving, memory, critical thinking, language, etc. EQ is short for Emotional Quotient, which is all about emotional intelligence like understanding emotions, handling conflict, making friends, etc.1 Both are factors in good child development and are important in turning him into a well-rounded person.
In his immediate future, you can see his IQ and EQ at work in the way he performs in class, develops hobbies, works in groups, meets new people, behaves at parties and visits, etc. But in the long run, his sharpened IQ and EQ can lead to happier and healthier relationships and careers.2 After all, the intellectual, social, and emotional skills he develops at home and at school are the same ones he will eventually use in his adulthood.
So how can you develop your child’s IQ and EQ?
Well first, he needs you. He needs you to guide him and show him the ropes. The lessons you teach, the stories you tell, the games you play, the example you set – they all matter. But aside from the environment and activities you give him, you can also help by serving proper nutrition – especially since today, there’s a breakthrough that’s clinically proven to help give the IQ + EQ Advantage: the Milk Fat Globule Membrane (MFGM).
MFGM is the milk fat’s coating, which is rich in life-enhancing components. It works with DHA for 2X Power in supporting your child’s brain development and immunity. Scientists have seen these two super ingredients work together first-hand and how they improve kids’ IQ and EQ – improving reading, spelling, problem-solving, reasoning, memory, attention, language, and behavior.3-8
And for the first time in history, MFGM is now found in a children’s milk formula: only in Enfagrow A+ Four. So now when it comes to your child’s future, you know you can start preparing him today.
1Mayer, J., &Salovey, P. (1997). What is emotional intelligence? In Emotional development and emotional intelligence: Educational implications (pp. 3-34). New York, NY: Harper Collins.
2Goleman, D. (2010). Emotional intelligence: why it can matter more than IQ. London: Bloomsbury.
3Dewettinck K, Rombaut R, Thienpont N, Le T, Messens K, Van Vamp J. Nutritional and technological aspects of milk fat globule membrane material. Int Dairy J. 2008;18:436-457.
4 Dalton, A., et al. Development and effect of an n-3 fatty acid-rich spread on the nutritional and cognitive status of school children, in Department of Food Science 2005, Stellenbosch University.
5 Ryan Nelson. Assessing the effect of DHA on cognitive functions in healthy preschool children: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study. Clinical Pediatrics 2008; 47 (4): 355-362
6 McNamara R, Able J, Jandacek R, et al. Docosahexaenoic acid supplementation increases prefrontal cortex activation during sustained attention in healthy boys: a placebo-controlled, dose-ranging, functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Am J Clin Nutr: 2010; 91:1060-7
7 Veereman-Wauters G, Staelens S, Rombaut R, et al. Milk fat globule membrane (INPULSE) enriched formula milk decreases febrile episodes and may improve behavioral regulation in young children. Nutritionj. 2012; 28:749-752
8 Billeaud C, et al. Clin Med Insights Pediatr. 2014;8:51-60.