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Get tips and information about children’s overall digestive health

Gentlease 3+

Specially designed with smaller* proteins called PHP for easy digestion and MFGM to help with brain development

with proper nutrition and stimulation
*vs. regular cow’s milk

Explore Gentlease 3+

Child’s Digestion Issue? Could Be A Protein…

Did you know that your child’s tummy discomfort can turn them grumpy and uncomfortable? Don’t fret because 1 out of 2 children may have recurrent abdominal pain.8 The solution to this for their…

5 Tips to your Kid’s Tummy Health

Does the question,“How can I help my child’s digestion?" always cross your mind? As a parent, you only want the best for your child, so naturally, you look out for their tummy health. If they are…

A Parent's Guide to Child's…

Growing children have growing tummies. As a parent, you know that eating the right food is important so that they get the complete nutrients they need for their growth and development. Digestion…

Why Do Kids Cry at Night? Check Their Tummy…

Bedtime usually is one of the most relaxing parts of the day — especially if it has been an exceptionally long day for you and for your child. But sometimes there are moments where the silence is…

Kids’ Gut Health Check: How to Avoid…

Kids often complain to us of stomach aches. This could be due to several reasons, for example: they do not want to go to school or bed, they are feeling stressed, or when they had a big meal which…

Ease Your Child’s Constipation In 5 Easy…

Sometimes we forget that just like us, children are not strangers to the effects of constipation. Remember, constipation is also a common digestive problem in children. Children with constipation…

QUIZ: What is Your Child’s Development Focus

Every child has a different nutritional need. Some kids may need more help with their IQ and EQ while others might need more help with physical growth and some need more with their digestion and…

Kids’ Digestive Health Issue: Causes, Signs…

As a parent, you prioritize your kids' optimum growth and healthy development. You try your best to provide your kids with proper nutrition by giving them healthy meals and snacks, as well as the…

Is Your Child Experiencing Digestive…

Digestive discomfort in children can show up in many ways, and as parents, we need to know what to look out for. From frequent crying, fussiness, and gassiness, learning to spot these issues can…

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